A linked hypertext work by Paul T Conneally featuring work by George Waring, Debra Woolard Bender, Sheila Windsor, Max Verhart, Robin Estil and Robert Wilson. The text on this page is an extract from: FREE-RANGING PARROT POPULATION OF HAIKU DISTRICT, MAUI, HAWAII by George Waring. Each paragraph is hyperlinked to a piece inspired by it.

The Haiku Parrots

The Huelo flock was observed to be made up of subgroups of primarily pairs
or triplets. Thus, when in flight, the
flock organization was not uniformly
symmetrical as seen in geese but rather a random clustering of pairs or
triplets merged with or near similar units. It was not unusual for only a
portion of the population to fly as a flock; therefore, on some occasions
observers see, for example, 12, 15, 18, or 23 in a flock and later may see a
group of 2 or 4.

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